Youth Red Cross has been incepted in Remuna Degree College since 2012 as a part of the academic programmes and since then the YRC has been functioning as a regular feature in the realm of our college education. The College has one Unit of Youth Red Cross (Y.R.C.) with 50 volunteers including both boys & girls who participate in various extension activities. It functions under the Chairmanship of the Principal associated by a member of teaching staff being assigned as Counsellor. 50 students are enrolled as the members of the YRC every year. The YRC of the college undertakes various activities to promote health awareness and prevention of health hazards in every academic session. During the last three years, the Youth Red Cross conducted various extension activities on and off campus. At present, Mr. Ashis Kumar Choudhury, Lect. in Economics is the YRC Counsellor.


Red Cross is an International Organisation. It is based on the principles of co-operation, brotherhood and service to mankind. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, and lasting peace among all people. It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religion, etc. It endeavours to relieve sufferings of mankind. Y.R.C is a branch of Red Cross.


  • To train the fickle youth so that they would remain imperturbable and unwavering at the time of crisis.
  • To teach youth about humanity, impartiality, voluntary service, neutrality, independence, unity and universality.
  • To promote the potentialities in the youth to enable them to render skilled philanthropic service for the mitigation of sufferings of the needy and distressed.
  • To organise blood donation camps, health check up camps, etc.
  • To teach the volunteers to render help at the time of natural calamities & disasters.


The mission of the youth Red Cross Movement is:
To prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found, to protect life and health, and ensure respect for the human being

Fundamental Principles of youth Red Cross
  • Objectives
    • Humanity
    • Impartiality
  • Means
    • Neutrality
    • Independence
  • Working style
    • Voluntary service
    • Unity
    • Universality
  • Provide assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield
  • Endeavour to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found
  • Protect life and health
  • Ensure respect for the human being
  • Promote mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all “We serve for the people. Not for the system” Impartiality
  • No discrimination based on nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions
  • Endeavours to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs
  • Give priority to the most urgent cases of distress “Priority – only on needs” Neutrality
  • Movement enjoys the confidence of all
  • May not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature “We take initiative, but never take sides” Independence
  • National Societies are auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries
  • Must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement “We bow to need, But not to king” Voluntary Service
  • A voluntary relief movement
  • Not prompted in any manner by desire for gain Unity
  • There can be only one National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in any one country
  • Membership must be open to all
  • Must carry out its humanitarian work throughout its territory Universality
  • The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is worldwide
  • All National Societies have equal status
  • National Societies share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other


To ensure effective functioning of YRC a committee was constituted for the year 2019 -20 with:

Sl. No Name & Designation Name of the Committee/ Duty Assigned
1 Smt. Jayanti Nayak
2 Mr.Ashis Kumar Choudhury
Lect . in Economics
3 Dr.Trilochon sahu
Lect. in Odia
4 Bhabendra Giri
4th Semester
Student Member
5 Basanta Jena
4th Semester
Student Member
6 Sibaprasad Giri
3rd Semester
Student Member


The Advisory committee at the educational institution:

  • Meets twice a year to review the activities of the YRC and to plan future activities as per annual activity plan.
  • Take decisions on management issues related to YRC if necessary.
  • Review and approve planned activities proposed by the YRC committee.
Maintain records and submit necessary reports, documents, etc...


Serial No Activities Time
1 Celebration of World Red Cross Day 8th May
2 Registration of YRC Volunteers once the College reopens June
3 Induction training programme June/July
4 College Working Committee Meeting July
5 SWACHA BHRAT PROGRAMME Any time during July to February
6 Second Induction training programme (For Fresher) August
7 Blood Donation Camps November/December
8 Observance of Important days
observation of Independence Day
15th August
observation of Republic Day 26th January
World Environmental Day 5th June
International Yoga Day 21st June
Global Hand Washing Day 15th August
Gandhi Jayanti 2nd October
National Unity Day 31st October
9 Awareness on Health & Hygiene November
10 At least one Social Service Camp Cleaning During local festival
11 Awareness on HIV/AIDS, Celebration of World AIDS Day December
12 Observation of Road Safety Week January First Week